
Common Google Ads violations to avoid: Key pitfalls for advertisers

Anton Ingram

Many advertisers face issues when their ads don’t follow Google’s policies. Common reasons for ad disapproval include misleading content, improper use of trademarks, and promoting restricted products or services.


Knowing these rules helps avoid problems. It saves time and money. Advertisers who understand Google’s policies can create better ads. They can also fix issues faster if they occur.

Staying up-to-date with Google’s rules is key. The policies can change. What was okay before might not be now. Regular checks of your ad account can help catch issues early.

Key Takeaways

Understanding Google Ads Policies

Google Ads has strict rules about what can and can’t be advertised. These policies help keep ads safe and useful for everyone. Breaking the rules can lead to problems for advertisers.

Overview of Ads Policies

Google Ads policies cover many areas. Ads must not be misleading or promote harmful products. They can’t use copyrighted content without permission. Certain topics like gambling and alcohol have extra rules.

Google uses both automated and manual reviews to check ads. The automated system scans ads quickly when they’re submitted. Human reviewers may look at some ads more closely.

Advertisers should read the full policies before making ads. This helps avoid mistakes. Google updates its rules sometimes, so it’s good to check often.

Consequences of Policy Violations

Breaking Google Ads rules can have different effects. Some are small, while others are more serious.

Minor issues may just need a quick fix. The ad might not run until it’s changed. More serious violations can lead to account suspension. This means all ads stop running.

Google may give warnings for first-time mistakes. But repeat issues or very bad violations can cause immediate problems. Fixing violations quickly is important.

Advertisers can ask Google to review decisions they think are wrong. This is called an appeal. It’s a chance to explain or fix issues.

Most Common Policy Violations

Google Ads has strict rules about what can be advertised. Breaking these rules can get your ads taken down or your account suspended. Let’s look at the top policy issues advertisers face.


Misrepresentation is when ads mislead users. This includes:

Advertisers must be honest. Ads should match the landing page. Don’t promise things you can’t deliver.

Tricks to avoid:

Google checks ads carefully. They may ask for proof of claims. Keep records to back up what you say in ads.

Prohibited Content

Some things can’t be advertised on Google at all. Common banned items include:

Google also bans ads for:

Check Google’s full list before making ads. Rules can change. What was okay before might not be now.

Some products need special approval. Others have limits on how they’re advertised. Know the rules for your industry.

Sensitive Events

Ads about tragedies or crises need care. Google has rules to stop people from taking advantage of bad situations.

Sensitive events include:

During these times, Google may:

Advertisers should be careful with content related to sensitive events. Focus on helping, not selling. Avoid anything that could upset people dealing with a crisis.

Creating Compliant Advertisements

Google Ads has strict rules for ad content and landing pages. Following these guidelines helps avoid violations and keeps ads running smoothly.

Ad Content and Formatting

Google Ads policy sets clear rules for ad text and images. Ads must use correct punctuation and avoid excessive capitalization. Symbols should be used sparingly and only when necessary.

Repetition of words or phrases is not allowed. Each ad should have unique content. Advertisers need to check their text carefully before submitting.

Image quality matters too. Blurry or pixelated images may be rejected. Ads should use clear, high-resolution pictures that accurately represent the product or service.

Landing Page Requirements

The landing page must match the ad content. A destination mismatch can lead to ad disapproval. The page should deliver what the ad promises.

User experience is crucial. Pages need to load quickly and work well on mobile devices. Pop-ups and interstitials should be minimal.

Content on the landing page must be original and valuable to visitors. Copying text from other sites can result in policy violations.

Important information like prices and key features should be easy to find. Hidden fees or unclear terms may cause issues with Google’s policies.

Dealing with Disapprovals and Suspensions


Google Ads can disapprove ads or suspend accounts for policy violations. It’s crucial to understand how to handle these situations to keep your campaigns running smoothly.

Reacting to Ad Disapproval

When Google disapproves an ad, advertisers should act quickly. The first step is to review the specific policy violation. Google provides details about why an ad was rejected.

Common reasons for disapproval include:

To fix a disapproved ad, advertisers can edit the ad text or imagery to comply with policies. In some cases, they may need to adjust their landing page.

After making changes, advertisers can request a review of their updated ad. It’s important to avoid submitting multiple appeals for the same ad in quick succession, as this can delay the process.

Understanding Account Suspension

Account suspension is more serious than ad disapproval. Google may suspend an account for repeated policy violations or severe breaches of their terms of service.

When an account is suspended:

Suspension can happen quickly, sometimes within seven days of a violation. To avoid this, advertisers should:

If an account is suspended, the advertiser can appeal the decision. They should provide a detailed explanation of how they’ve addressed the issue and their plans to prevent future violations.

Preventing Policy Violations


Google Ads has rules to keep ads safe and useful. Following these rules helps avoid problems. There are steps you can take to protect your account and create better ads.

Enhancing Ad and Account Security

Strong passwords make accounts safer. Use long passwords with letters, numbers, and symbols. Turn on two-factor authentication for extra protection. This makes it harder for bad actors to get unauthorized access.

Check account activity often. Look for strange logins or changes. Remove access for people who don’t need it anymore. Keep software updated to stop malicious software.

Only use trusted tools with Google Ads. Be careful with third-party apps. They might break rules without you knowing.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls

Read Google’s rules carefully. Many violations happen by mistake. Don’t try to trick the system. It rarely works and can get accounts banned.

Check links in ads. Make sure they go where they should. Broken links or wrong destinations cause problems.

Follow webmaster guidelines for landing pages. Don’t hide text or stuff keywords. Keep content clear and honest.

Don’t advertise fake goods. Google bans ads for counterfeit items. Be sure products are real and legal to sell.

Use clear language in ads. Avoid claims that seem too good to be true. Be honest about what you’re selling.

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