
Google AdWords Account Banned? Steps to Recovery and Prevention Strategies

Anton Ingram

Experiencing a Google AdWords account ban can be frustrating and considerably disrupt marketing campaigns. Understanding why your account was suspended is crucial to address the issue effectively and get back on track. Common reasons for suspension include billing and payment problems, policy violations, or suspicious activity.


After identifying the reason for the ban, it’s important to follow precise steps to resolve the issue. This may involve paying outstanding balances, rectifying policy violations, or providing additional information to verify your account. During this period, you won’t be able to create new ads or campaigns, but you can still access your account for review.

Reaching out to Google AdWords support can provide additional guidance and assistance. They can help you understand the specific issues and offer solutions for reinstating your account.

Key Takeaways

Understanding Google AdWords Account Suspension

Google AdWords accounts may be suspended for several critical reasons, including policy violations and suspicious payment activities. Knowing the types of suspensions and the specific violations can help in identifying and addressing these issues effectively.

Reasons for Account Suspension

Policy Violations: One of the primary reasons for suspension is violating Google Ads policies. This includes misleading content, deceptive practices, and promotion of illegal products. Ensuring that advertisements comply with these policies is crucial.

Billing and Payment Issues: Suspicious payment activities or unpaid balances can lead to suspension. Google may also suspend an account for improper use of promotional codes or requesting chargebacks. It’s essential to monitor and address these aspects routinely.

Spam and Cloaking: Practices like cloaking, where the user is shown content different from what the search engine sees, or spam, which involves unsolicited or inappropriate ads, are serious offenses. Engaging in these practices can swiftly result in a suspended account.

Unauthorized Account Activity: If Google detects unusual activity, such as unauthorized access or changes made to an account, it may be suspended to protect the account’s integrity. Regularly reviewing account activities and setting up security measures can help mitigate this risk.

Types of Suspensions

Temporary Suspension: This type involves temporary restriction where the account owner is given a timeframe to correct issues. Temporary suspensions often relate to minor policy violations or initial flags on payment issues. Resolving these promptly can restore the account to normalcy.

Permanent Suspension: In severe cases, Google may issue a permanent suspension. This usually happens due to repeated violations or grave offenses such as ongoing deceptive practices or severe policy breaches. A permanently suspended account generally means the owner cannot use the same payment information or related accounts for future Google Ads activities.

Account Hold: Some suspensions put an account on hold until further information or verifications are provided. This can occur if there’s a need to validate the authenticity of the account holder or rectify suspicious activities. Completing the required verifications can lift the hold.

Understanding these types of suspensions helps in implementing the necessary measures to prevent future occurrences and ensures compliance with Google’s stringent advertising policies.

Preventive Measures for AdWords Account

To ensure the security and continued operation of your AdWords account, it is essential to adhere to Google’s advertising policies. Consistent account reviews and proper maintenance can forestall many issues.

Adhering to AdWords Policies

Staying compliant with AdWords policies is critical. Violations can lead to immediate suspension. Advertisers should familiarize themselves with the Google Ads policies including prohibited content, restricted products, and trademark usage.

Review policy updates regularly. Google often updates its rules in response to new advertising trends and legal requirements. Ensure your campaigns align with the latest guidelines.

Provide accurate information. Misleading ads or omitted disclosures can trigger an automatic suspension. Double-check all ad content and claims.

Utilize Google’s policy tools. The Policy Manager in your account can help identify potential violations before ads go live. This proactive step minimizes risks of suspension.

Regular Account Review and Maintenance

Regular audits of your AdWords account can prevent many issues. Start by reviewing account performance metrics weekly. Unusual trends might indicate policy violations or poor ad performance.

Update payment details and contact information. Failure to maintain current records can lead to account suspension due to billing errors or communication issues.

Closely monitor landing pages linked to your ads. Ensure they comply with Google’s guidelines to avoid penalties. Regularly testing these pages helps maintain compliance and performance.

Engage with Google’s support resources. If you have issues or concerns, contact Google Ads support. Their guidance can help resolve problems before they lead to suspension.

By taking these steps, advertisers can keep their AdWords accounts secure and functional.

Immediate Steps post Google AdWords Suspension

Upon facing a Google AdWords suspension, it’s crucial to act swiftly and methodically. Addressing the notification and understanding the policy breaches will facilitate a smoother resolution process.

Review Suspension Notice

First, log in to the Google Ads account and examine the suspension notice. This information is typically displayed in an info banner at the top of the screen. The notice will detail the specific reasons for suspension. This might include issues like billing and payment requirements, promotional code abuse, or suspicious payment activity.

Understanding the suspension reason is vital. This allows for targeted actions to address the specific policy violation. Additionally, reviewing any linked email notifications from Google Ads support can provide further insights.

Rectify Policy Breaches

Once the suspension reason is clear, the next step is to rectify the identified breaches. For billing issues, ensure all payments are up to date and any unpaid balances are cleared. For policy violations, adjust the campaign settings or content to comply with Google’s guidelines.

If the issue relates to promotional code abuse or suspicious activity, it might be necessary to contact support for further assistance. Always document the changes made and attempt to keep records of communications with Google Ads support. This can be useful if more evidence is needed later.

Following these steps diligently can improve the chances of reinstating a suspended Google Ads account.

Contacting Google AdWords Support

To resolve issues related to your Google AdWords account, including account suspensions, it’s essential to know how to effectively contact support. This section details specific steps to reach support and the preparations needed for a smooth process.

How to Reach Support

One of the simplest ways to contact Google AdWords support is via their dedicated phone number. In the US, call 1-844-291-7384 between 9 AM and 9 PM, Monday through Friday. Logging into your Google Ads account first can help expedite the process.

Another method is using the Google Ads help center. Here, you can access various options such as live chat, email support, and call back requests. Selecting the appropriate issue in the help center will guide you to the most relevant support avenue.

Preparing for the Support Process

Before contacting support, gather all necessary information about your account. This includes your account ID, billing information, and a detailed description of the issue. Clear documentation can help the support team resolve your problem more efficiently.

It’s also beneficial to review common reasons for account suspensions. Knowing whether the suspension is due to policy violations or suspicious activity can help you explain your case more effectively.

Prepare any correspondence you’ve had with Google AdWords in the past relevant to the suspension. Have this information readily available to address any queries the support representative might have.

The Reinstatement Process for AdWords Accounts

Reinstating a suspended Google AdWords account involves submitting an appeal and then closely following up on reinstatement requests to ensure proper processing. It is critical to address the provided reasons for suspension accurately.

Submitting an Appeal

To begin the reinstatement process, the advertiser must submit an official appeal to Google. This involves opening the Appeal form page, entering the necessary information, and clicking on Submit.

The appeal form should include specific details such as the account’s suspension reason, previous compliance actions, and any corrective measures taken. It’s vital to be honest and precise in explaining the steps taken to rectify the issues cited in the suspension notice.

Upon submission, Google will review the appeal and respond via email. The decision can either lift the suspension or provide further instructions for compliance. If denied, advertisers may have the option to re-appeal using the same process.

Following Up on Reinstatement Requests

Once the appeal is submitted, it is essential to follow up regularly with Google’s support team. Advertisers can track their appeal status and interact with Google Ads support for updates.

It is important to remain patient and persistent, especially if additional information or actions are requested. Maintaining clear records of all communications and responses can aid in tracking the process.

Consistent follow-up ensures that the appeal is being processed in a timely manner and helps address any further issues that might arise. Successful follow-up can result in the reinstated account and resumption of ad campaigns.

Managing Finances After an Account Ban


When a Google Ads account gets suspended, managing pending payments and understanding billing issues become crucial. Specific guidelines help handle these financial matters efficiently.

After a Google Ads account is banned, it’s essential to comprehend billing and payment related issues. Users can still sign in and check for unpaid advertising costs by visiting the Billing activity section in their Google Ads account.

Accounts that utilized automatic payments will display any outstanding amounts. It’s important to regularly review these details to avoid any surprises. Moreover, accounts may accumulate unpaid balances due to discrepancies or promotional code abuses, which can result in further complications if not addressed promptly.

Failure to settle these balances can have long-term financial repercussions, such as negatively impacting future advertising efforts on Google’s platform.

Resolving Outstanding Payments

To resolve any outstanding payments, the first step is to identify the pending amount under the Billing activity tab. Users must ensure they understand the nature of these charges before making any payments.

Next, navigating to the payment options, they can select the method best suited to their circumstances, whether it’s an existing payment method or a new one. It’s vital to address these payments quickly to prevent further financial issues.

In some cases, users might need to reach out to Google Ads support for clarification or assistance. Clear communication can expedite the resolution process, reducing any prolonged financial strain.

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